What to Bring on a Trip With You

If you already decided to bring a travel journal with you on a trip, now might be the time to think what else you can bring with you to help you preserve your memories from a trip. Here are some ideas that might help you decide what to take with you.

-A few extra plastic bags or plastic envelopes. They can be a real blessing if you enjoy collecting things from your journeys such as postcard, brochures, or even small plants.
-A variety of pens. One pen is not enough, as it might get lost easily. Bring at least five pens with you so that you do not have to look for places to buy them during your trip. Consider also carrying with you a variety of markers, pencils, or even pastels. You never know when you might want to draw something.
-Glue. Glue can be very important if you are going to need it to keep things together.
-A small pair of scissors. A pair of scissors will allow you to cut things you do not need and it will help you get rid of parts of postcards you do not want.

In Search of Better Weather

Nothing is better than a vacation in a country that is located in warm climate if you live in cold climate yourself. Even during spring months such as April or May, the weather in most European countries or in many states in the United States does not allow for sunbathing or swimming in the sea. If you enjoy sunbathing and swimming, you can do it in many places around the world such as Mauritius, Central America, or Malaysia. Going on a vacation in winter and spring months is not such a bad idea. The human body needs some sun. If a person is deprived of sun, he is more likely to become depressed. Unfortunately, many Northern countries do not get enough sun throughout the year. This is one of the main reasons you will meet many tourists from countries such as Sweden, UK, or Canada in many warm places around the world. Sunbathing is a proven method that has already helped many people fight with depression. Today, more people than ever choose this method to get rid of stress and fight with their problems. If the sun shines, problems usually seem to be smaller.


GPS is gaining on popularity as more and more individuals use such devices for personal use. There are many ways in which a GPS can be useful. GPS is great for tracking your assets as they travel to another state or country, for locating your family members or your pet. Possibilities here are almost endless.

Personally, I think that it is a lot easier to travel around with a GPS device. The only drawback is that some devices of this type can be quite expensive.